Page 92 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 92
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 3–4

Elementary Specific Statistical region Children’s No. of Age Date Duration
school background residence participants
/ Mura Village
Elementary [Pomurska regija] City, village 9 10–14 20.09.2019
school 1 (north-east) Large city
City, village 9 10–14 24.09.2019
Elementary Savinja City
school 2 [Savinjska ] City, village 9 11–15 30.09.2019
(east) City, village
Elementary 13 12–14 16.10.2019
school 3 Drava Large city
[Podravska regija] 12 11–14 4.11.2019
Elementary (east) Village
school 4 2 school
Lower Sava Large city
Elementary [Posavska regija] 13 12–14 18.10.2019 hours
school 5 (east) Large city, (1.5 h)
Elementary Upper Carniola 14 11–14 23.10.2019
school 6 [Gorenjska regija]
school 7 Littoral-Inner
Elementary Carniola
school 8 [Primorsko-
Elementary notranjska] (west)
school 9
Elementary Southeast Slovenia
school 10 [ Ju gov zhod na]
Elementary (south-east)
school 11
Elementary Central Slovenia 12 10–14 22.10.2019
school 12 [Osrednjeslovenska] 10 11–14 21.10.2019
(central) 11 12–14 9.10.2019
NGO 1 9 12–14 24.10.2019

NGO 2 Gorizia 7 6–9 10.10.2019
[Goriška regija]
NGO 3 (north-west)

Total Children with 9.10.2019 4 school
10.10.2019 hours
either disad- 10 13–15 (3 h)

vantaged socio-

-economic and

cultural back- Central Slovenia 2 school
ground and/ [Osrednjeslovenska] 10 11–17 13.10.2019 hours
or behaviou- (central)
ral, emotional (1.5 h)

and learning


Children’s 2 school
Parliament 9 12–14 27.09.2019 hours
(1.5 h)

157 6–17

who might be at higher risk of being excluded from the exercise to par-
ticipate (e.g. younger children, children living in families with lower so-
cio-economic status, cultural background, those from ethnic minorities,
children with disabilities, learning difficulties, children in institutions)

   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97