Page 73 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 73
m. šimenc, z. kodelja ■ the realization of the right to education in slovenia

before warning signs are apparent. That role is to be linked with the aims
of education and the right to inclusive and equitable quality education’
(Boly Barry, 2019, p. 2). The same as the right to education has the pow-
er of prevention, the report on carrying out this right in the time of coro-
na crisis also attempts to act preventively, so that the response to the crisis
would not lead to narrowing the right to education.

Question of the Quality of Knowledge

The formulation of educational goals from the Convention regarding the
rights of the child to develop his/her capacities, perspectives, knowled-
ge, skills and achievements shows a different logic, so we need to ask our-
selves about the relation of these two perspectives. It is patently clear that
children have not developed their capacities, if they do not possess the ba-
sic knowledge enabling them the successful inclusion and life in society.
However, this argument has not yet developed the connection between
knowledge and the development of a child’s capacities. Furthermore, the
Convention on the Rights of the Child is based on a perspective which
doesn’t put knowledge, skills and achievements at the centre of attention,
which can raise the feeling that they are of less importance from the rights
of the child perspective. This would call for the articulation of a broader
view which would show that the child has always lived in the world and
society, so even his/her capacities need to be considered within this fra-
mework. However, we don’t need to develop this framework here, there
is namely another path which shows the importance of knowledge to the
child’s right to education: from definitions, it seems more like the right
of the child to develop his/hers capabilities. From the Convention’s per-
spective, the concept of equal opportunity of children is brought to the
fore. And this is exactly where a school system when it does not look af-
ter the quality of education or knowledge of the children turns out to be
unjust to some children and in contradiction with the principles of equal

Let us develop this further. The attention to the implementation of
the Convention is often focused mainly on the negligence of emotional
and social development and the influence of knowledge measurement on
marginal groups.8 The element which relates directly to knowledge and

8 When focusing on quality, they can describe it very narrow. In the context of discussion
about the right of the child, a broader context of education, learning environment, the
number of well educated teachers, access to learning tools, etc. is emphasised, and the at-
tention is drawn to the fact that academic success cannot be the sole measure to achieve
good quality upbringing and education, and can lead to the narrowing of upbringing and
education to the number of points gained at tests, and the placement of a country on an
internationally comparable charts.
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