Page 59 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 3-4: Education and the American Dream, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 59
c. ghosh ■ livin’ the meritocratic dream!

Finally, race-neutral Percent Plans are more politically feasible and
popular than affirmative action policies because they are unambiguous-
ly designed to reward effort and merit – an ideal affirmed by the vast ma-
jority of Americans. It makes sense, therefore, that Percent Plans are slow-
ly replacing and will most likely supplant affirmative action policies in the
near future. Anyone interested in the widest possible inclusion of all ra-
cial and ethnic groups and in spreading opportunity widely across the US
should thus find Percent Plans encouraging. And those committed to uni-
versal access to college education in the US should probably also advocate
for some version of Percent Plans to be incorporated into universal access.


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