Page 5 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 3-4: Education and the American Dream, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 5

Mitja Sardoč
5 Education and the American Dream
Robert C. Hauhart
11 American Dream Studies in the 21st Century: An American Perspective
Michael A. Peters
27 Conflicting Narratives of the American Dream: Obama’s Equality

of Opportunity and Trump’s “Make America Great Again”
Cyril Ghosh
43 Livin’ the Meritocratic Dream!

Or Why it Makes Sense that Percent Plans in College and University
Admissions Represent the Future of Affirmative Action
Mitja Sardoč
61 From a City on the Hill to the Dungheap of History
An Interview with Peter McLaren
Srečo Dragoš
97 The Slovenian Counterpart to the American Dream
Igor Bijuklič
127 Manufacturing and Selling a Way of Life:
Historical Analysis of Modern Communication and New Forms
of Conformism
Darko Štrajn
145 Perversion of the American Dream

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