Page 173 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 3-4: Education and the American Dream, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 173
. gutman ■ the morphological and archetypal traces in the american dream

now on, she will forever invade [her privacy] herself.”27 Madonna’s reac-
tion followed in a form of tactical controversy [Beginning Counterac-
tion] which was systematically exhibited throughout her work: the im-
agery of kissing African-American actor in the role of Jesus Christ, several
nude appearances in public, releasing the book titled Sex, blending sex and
religion, etc. Various conflicts with critics and media [Struggle] brought
her additional commercial success in music and movie industry [Victo-
ry].28 Her path has been marked with a series of tasks, which mostly con-
sisted of learning and acquiring new skills in acting, singing, managing,
playing instruments, filming, directing and writing – in order to keep her
prime position in the entertainment industry. These activities correspond
to the function of [Difficult Tasks / Test of strength, adroitness, fortitude
/ Test of endurance]. She has resolved all tasks by hard work and constant
willingness to learn and improve [Solution], which reflected in her overall
success (Best-selling female recording artist of all time and the wealthiest
woman in the music business, Golden Globe for Best Actress, etc. [Recog-
nition].29 Her constant reinvention [Transfiguration], evidently embed-
ded in her styles, is utilized in her media strategy – a constant reinvention
of her appearance de facto perpetuates and strengthens her 35-years long
presence in the entertainment industry. The following paragraph summa-
rizes the major elements in Madonna’s life story:

When the efforts of her more excitable chronicles, and especially those,
who have focused on the sexual and the sensational, are added to her
own early propaganda, it is easy to see how the myth of Madonna was
born: the ghetto childhood; the schoolgirl rebel; the flirty young Lolita
who became a sexual athlete; the mistreated Cinderella, complete with
Wicked Stepmother; the misunderstood artist.30

The central theme of Transformation, where one can achieve pros-
perity by continuously changing and adapting, carries in itself an aspect
of activity. Compared to other biographies examined so far, Madonna’s
story appears to be significantly more consistent with the concept of the
American Dream: her biography explicitly suggest that determination,
work ethics and irrepressible confidence formulate a cultural and mate-
rial accomplishment.

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30 Morton,A.2001:Chapter3(unmarkedpages): _


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