Page 224 - Ana Kozina and Nora Wiium, eds. ▪︎ Positive Youth Development in Contexts. Ljubljana: Educational Research Institute, 2021. Digital Library, Dissertationes (Scientific Monographs), 42.
P. 224
positive youth development in contexts

To establish a solid (theoretical and methodological) nexus between
language context and the PYD perspective, theoretical and empirical bas-
es of the study of multilingualism should be considered (e.g., Dewaele &
Pavlenko, 2001–2003; Dewaele & Oudenhoven, 2009; Dörnyei, 2007; van
Oudenhoven & van der Zee, 2002). The combined approach of incorpo-
rating linguistic variables in the PYD research design as part of a sociobi-
ographical questionnaire or as an independent contextual element might
include questions about oral and written proficiency in different languages,
the frequency and specific contexts/situations of language use, perception
of languages like language dominance and emotionality, emotion expres-
sion, and language anxiety. Further, quantitative findings should be sup-
ported with qualitative research (e.g., interviews) since that may provide
valuable in-depth comments. Thus, it can better reveal the interconnec-
tions between the individual’s self-perceived language multi-competence,
their perceptions, motivations and attitudes, and the specifics of their lan-
guage use in various groups or with individuals (parents, family, peers,
classmates, teachers, adults, migrant/non-migrant background etc.) in dif-
ferent social contexts (e.g., home, school, free-time activities, community

The existing interdisciplinary connections between social psychology
and multilingualism already extensively highlight the social, cognitive and
emotional aspects of language use, which might be necessary for the holis-
tic approaches within PYD models such as Lerner’s 5/6Cs and Benson’s 40
developmental assets. Since these two perspectives provide one of the main
conceptual bases for the PYD-SI model, identifying points of intersection
that allow the possibility for linking language context with contexts and in-
dicators of the thriving and multilingualism’s individual or societal dimen-
sions might be helpful.

PYD is framed by the relational developmental systems model of hu-
man development (Overton, 2015), whereby mutually significant relations
between the individual and their multiple contexts constitute the funda-
mental process of human development across the lifespan. Based on the as-
sumption that all young people have strengths, the PYD perspective “seeks
to identify the individual attributes of youth that, when coupled with re-
sources for healthy growth present in their social ecologies (e.g. their fami-
lies, school, faith institutions, or community-based youth programs), lead
to thriving (i.e., to well-being and health) across the adolescent decade”
(Lerner et al., 2012, p. 307). In such interaction, the role of contexts as

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