Page 138 - Ana Kozina and Nora Wiium, eds. ▪︎ Positive Youth Development in Contexts. Ljubljana: Educational Research Institute, 2021. Digital Library, Dissertationes (Scientific Monographs), 42.
P. 138
positive youth development in contexts
Love Competence Confidence Character Connection Caring
of learning (f %) (f %) (f %) (f %) (f %)
intelligence 14.62 0.00 1.54 1.54 0.00
Hope 14.62 2.31 10.00 18.46 19.23
Perspective 11.54 7.69 6.92 14.62 15.38
Bravery 10.77 12.31 0.00 5.38 6.15
Beauty 10.00 3.08 3.08 7.69 4.62
Modesty 7.69 0.77 6.15 6.15 11.54
Prudence 7.69 20.77 12.31 10.00 0.00
Self-regulation 7.69 15.38 0.00 6.15 5.38
Spirituality 5.38 10.00 2.31 10.00 7.69
5.38 4.62 19.23 3.08 4.62
4.62 9.23 16.92 3.85 1.54
3.08 16.15 5.38 1.54 5.38
Note. F % was calculated according to the number of participants (N = 130)
Students indicated they could mainly use their strengths of Kindness
(42.3%), Love (34.6%), Fairness (33.1%), Perseverance (31.5%), Teamwork
(30.8%), Humour (27.7%), Honesty (25.4%) and Judgement (23.1%) to per-
ceive their actions as positive and to feel competent in different domains
(social, academic, vocational) – these were the most common responses, re-
lated to Competence. The least frequent responses were related to Modesty
and Prudence (both 5.4%), Self-regulation (4.6%) and Spirituality (3.1%)
(Table 2).
Kindness was a character strength most frequently mentioned in
the context of Competence, mostly in relation to the social domain, e.g.
“It is important for me that people feel comfortable around me”; but also
in the vocational (work) domain, e.g. “Kindness is important for ensuring
good relationships at work – you build positive social interactions with col-
leagues and they can rely on you”. Some students emphasised the interplay
of Kindness and Love: “When you are kind, you get a nice response from oth-
ers and that makes you feel accepted by those you know and those you don’t.
And love helps you maintain caring relationships with those closest to you”.
However, the character strength of Love can also independently contribute
Love Competence Confidence Character Connection Caring
of learning (f %) (f %) (f %) (f %) (f %)
intelligence 14.62 0.00 1.54 1.54 0.00
Hope 14.62 2.31 10.00 18.46 19.23
Perspective 11.54 7.69 6.92 14.62 15.38
Bravery 10.77 12.31 0.00 5.38 6.15
Beauty 10.00 3.08 3.08 7.69 4.62
Modesty 7.69 0.77 6.15 6.15 11.54
Prudence 7.69 20.77 12.31 10.00 0.00
Self-regulation 7.69 15.38 0.00 6.15 5.38
Spirituality 5.38 10.00 2.31 10.00 7.69
5.38 4.62 19.23 3.08 4.62
4.62 9.23 16.92 3.85 1.54
3.08 16.15 5.38 1.54 5.38
Note. F % was calculated according to the number of participants (N = 130)
Students indicated they could mainly use their strengths of Kindness
(42.3%), Love (34.6%), Fairness (33.1%), Perseverance (31.5%), Teamwork
(30.8%), Humour (27.7%), Honesty (25.4%) and Judgement (23.1%) to per-
ceive their actions as positive and to feel competent in different domains
(social, academic, vocational) – these were the most common responses, re-
lated to Competence. The least frequent responses were related to Modesty
and Prudence (both 5.4%), Self-regulation (4.6%) and Spirituality (3.1%)
(Table 2).
Kindness was a character strength most frequently mentioned in
the context of Competence, mostly in relation to the social domain, e.g.
“It is important for me that people feel comfortable around me”; but also
in the vocational (work) domain, e.g. “Kindness is important for ensuring
good relationships at work – you build positive social interactions with col-
leagues and they can rely on you”. Some students emphasised the interplay
of Kindness and Love: “When you are kind, you get a nice response from oth-
ers and that makes you feel accepted by those you know and those you don’t.
And love helps you maintain caring relationships with those closest to you”.
However, the character strength of Love can also independently contribute