Page 86 - Žagar, Igor Ž. 2021. Four Critical Essays on Argumentation. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 86
four critical essays on argumentation

Figure 11. Fruit found on the Detroit River I.
If we just take the photo in Figure 11 per se, as it is (as we see it prima

facie), without or before any verbal explanation, and not knowing anything
about possible context(s), the photo could be framed in many ways. As, for
(1) introducing/showing a peculiarly looking fruit;
(2) preparing a snack (or some other kind of meal);
(3) showing/presenting a new knife;
(4) showing/presenting an efficient/robust/… knife;
(5) showing the protective gloves, or how do protective gloves look

like/how we use them;
(6) warning that one should wear protective gloves when using a

knife (demonstrating safety procedures), etc.
But Groarke does disambiguate the photo rather quickly with the fol-
lowing explanation (all emphases throughout the text that will follow are
Consider a debate spurred by an unusual fruit I discovered dur-
ing a kayak ride on the Detroit River. When my description
(‘nothing I recognize; a bumpy, yellow skin’) initiated a debate

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