Page 51 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 51
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Bacevic, Jana. »Education, Conflict and Class Reproduction in socialist Yugo-
slavia.« In Social Inequalities and Discontent in Yugoslav Socialism, 77–
94. Edited by Rory Archer, Duda, Igor and Stubbs, Paul. Abingdon: Rou-
tledge, 2016.
Bernstein, Basil. Class, Codes and Control Volume 1 Theoretical Studies To-
wards a Sociology of Language, London: Routledge, 1971.
Bevc, Milena. »Rates of Return to Investment in Education in Former Yugo-
slavia in the 1970s and 1980s by Region«, Economics of Education Review,
no. 12(4) (1993): 325–343.
Bourdieu, Pieree and Passeron, Jean-Claude. Production in Education, Society
and Culture, London: Sage, 1977.
Cvjetičanin, Predrag, Misha Popovikj and Jasmina Nedeljković. »Who likes
this change? Perception and evaluation of socio-economic changes in
Western Balkan societies.« In A Life for Tomorrow: social transformations
in South-East Europe, edited by P. Cvjetičanin, I. Mangova and N. Mark-
ovikj, (S. 11-96). Skopje: Institute for Democracy, 2015.
Djilas, Milovan. The New Class: an analysis of the communist system, San Diego:
Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich. 1957.
Doolan, Karin, Danijela Dolenec and Mladen Domazet, The Croatian Student
Financial Support System in a European Context: a comparative study. Za-
greb: Institute for the Development of Education, 2013. http://www.fin-
Doolan, Karin, Saša Puzić and Branislava Baranović. »Social Inequalities in
Access to Higher Education in Croatia: five decades of resilient findings«,
Journal of Further and Higher Education, no. 42(3) (2017): 1-15.
EBRD, Life in Transition III, Paris: EBRD,
Eurostudent (Cvitan, Doolan, Farnell, Matković), The Social and Econom-
ic Conditions of Student Life in Croatia. Zagreb: institute for the De-
velopment of Education, 2012.
Eurostudent (Huaschildt, Vogtle and Gwosc), Social and Economic Conditions
of Student Life in Europe; EUROSTUDENT VI 2016-2018/Synopsis of indi-
cators, Bielefled: wbv, 2018.
Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed, New York: Continuum, 1970.
Ilišin, Vlasta. (ed.). Sociološki potret hrvayskih studenata, Zagreb: IDIZ, 2014.