Page 83 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 83
educators’ self-reflection
Trying out Feeling and
what have we watching the
Active Re ective
Experimentation Observation
Thinking, concluding Observing, and
and learning from the reviewing the
Figure 3. Kolb’s model of learning and reflection
(Adapted from: Kolb, D. A., Boyatizis, R. E. and Mainemelis, C. 2001, p.229)
Attributing the effects of reduction of ESL to Kolb’s model for the pro-
fessional development of educators would mean the educator is involved
in reflective observation (of their own performance, of the performance of
others, of how supportive the learning experience is…), then they should
engage the abstract conceptualisation (which could be induced by a men-
tor or tutor). After that, educators should be allowed to autonomously ex-
periment with new approaches to produce a more supportive learning en-
vironment for all students and, based on that, to analyse the experience and
their feelings about it. Again, a reflective observation on the educational ex-
perience follows.
Tripp (1993) also added to the contemporary understanding of re-
flection, self-reflection, reflective teaching and using reflection for edu-
cators’ professional development. He describes reflection as a component
Trying out Feeling and
what have we watching the
Active Re ective
Experimentation Observation
Thinking, concluding Observing, and
and learning from the reviewing the
Figure 3. Kolb’s model of learning and reflection
(Adapted from: Kolb, D. A., Boyatizis, R. E. and Mainemelis, C. 2001, p.229)
Attributing the effects of reduction of ESL to Kolb’s model for the pro-
fessional development of educators would mean the educator is involved
in reflective observation (of their own performance, of the performance of
others, of how supportive the learning experience is…), then they should
engage the abstract conceptualisation (which could be induced by a men-
tor or tutor). After that, educators should be allowed to autonomously ex-
periment with new approaches to produce a more supportive learning en-
vironment for all students and, based on that, to analyse the experience and
their feelings about it. Again, a reflective observation on the educational ex-
perience follows.
Tripp (1993) also added to the contemporary understanding of re-
flection, self-reflection, reflective teaching and using reflection for edu-
cators’ professional development. He describes reflection as a component