Page 60 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
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and perceptions of school and self before dropping out of schools. Journal
of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 8(3), 309–332.
Lazarus, R. S. (1991). Progress on a cognitive-motivational-relational theory of
emotion. American Psychologist, 46(8), 819–834.
LeDoux, J. (1996). The emotional brain. Simon & Schuster, New York.
Lewis, R. (2001). Classroom discipline and student responsibility: The stu-
dents’ view. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17, 307–319.
Lopes, P. N., Cote, S., Grewal, D., Kadis, J., Gall, M., & Salovey, P. (2006).
Emotional intelligence and positive work outcomes. Psichothema, 18,
Matsumoto, D., LeRoux, J. A., Bernhard, R., & Gary, H. (2004). Unraveling
the psychological correlates of intercultural adjustment potential.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 28, 281–309.
Milivojević, Z. (2008). Emocije – razumevanje čustev v psihoterapiji [Emotions
– understanding emotions in psychotherapy.] Belgrade: Psihopolis.
Pekrun, R., Frenzel, A. C., Goetz, T., & Perry, R. P. (2007). The control-value
theory of achievement emotions: An integrative approach to emotion in
education. In P. A. Schutz, & R. Pekrun (Eds.), Emotion in education (pp.
13–36). San Diego: Academic Press.
Perry, N. E., VandeKamp, K. O., Mercer, L. K., & Norby, C. J. (2002).
Investigating teacher-student interactions that foster self-regulated learn-
ing. Educational Psychology, 37, 5–15.
Planalp, S. (1999). Communicating emotion: Social, moral, and cultural process-
es. Cambridge University Press.
Quoidbach, J., Gross, J. J., & Mikolajczak, M. (2015). Positive interventions: An
emotion regulation perspective. Psychological Bulletin, 141(3), 655–693.
Ragozzino, K., Resnik, H., Utne-O Brien, M., & Weissberg, R. P. (2003).
Promoting academic achievement through social and emotional learn-
ing. Educational Horizons, 81, 169–171.
Roorda, D. L., Koomen, H. M. Y., Spilt, J. L., & Oort, F. J. (2011). The influence
of affective teacher–student relationships on students’ school engage-
ment and achievement: A meta-analytic approach. Review of Educational
Research, 81, 493–529.
MIZŠ (2010). Evaluation report of teacher training ‘Emotional intelligence: un-
derstanding emotions through CER model’ by Tina Rutar Leban. Ministry
of Education, Republic of Slovenia: Unpublished evaluation report.