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the importance of the social and emotional competencies of educational staff
Jennings, P. A., & Greenberg, M. T. (2009). The prosocial classroom: Teacher
social and emotional competence in relation to student and classroom
outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 79, 491–525.
Jennings, P. A., Brown, J. L., Frank, J. L., Doyle, S., Oh, Y., Davis, R., . . .
Greenberg, M. T. (2017). Impacts of the CARE for teachers program
on teachers’ social and emotional competence and classroom interac-
tions. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Jensen, E., Bengaard Skibsted, E., & Vedsgaard Christensen, M. (2015).
Educating teachers focusing on the development of reflective and rela-
tional competences. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 14(3),
Jensen, H., Juul, J., Høeg, P., Bertelsen, J., Stubberup, M., & Hilbebrandt, S.
(2016). Empathy: It’s what holds the world together. Vienna, Austria:
Jimerson, S., Egeland, B., Sroufe, L. A. & Carlson, B. (2000). A prospective lon-
gitudinal study of high school dropouts examining multiple predictors
across development. Journal of School Psychology, 38(6), 525–549.
Jones, S. M., Bouffard, S. M., & Weissbourd, R. (2013). Educators’ social and
emotional skills vital to learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 94, 62–65.
Juul, J., & Jensen, H. (2010). Od poslušnosti do odgovornosti. [From obedience
to responsibility] Radovljica: Didakta.
Juul, J., & Jensen, H. (2011). Vzgojno delovanje v vrtcu in šoli [Upbringing ac-
tivity in kindergarten and school]. Šolsko svetovalno delo, 3–4, 61–74.
Ladd, G. W., Birch, S. H., & Buhs, E. S. (1999). Children’s social and scholastic
lives in kindergarten: Related spheres of influence? Child Development,
70, 1373–1400.
Laursen, P. F., & Nielsen, A. M. (2016). Teachers’ relational competencies: The
contribution from teacher education. Šolsko polje, 27(1-2), 139–161.
Lessard, A., Butler-Kisber, L., Fortin, L., Marcotte, D., Potvin, P., & Royer, É.
(2008). Shades of disengagement: High school dropouts speak out. Social
Psychology of Education, 11(1), 25–42.
Lessard, A., Fortin, L., Joly, J., Royer, É., & Blaya, C. (2004). Students at-risk
for dropping out of school: Are there gender differences among personal,
family and school factors? Journal of At-risk Issues, 10(2), 91–107.
Lessard, A., Poirier, M., & Fortin, L. (2010). Student-teacher relationship: A
protective factor against school dropout? Procedia Social and Behavioral
Sciences, 2(2), 1636–1643.
Jennings, P. A., & Greenberg, M. T. (2009). The prosocial classroom: Teacher
social and emotional competence in relation to student and classroom
outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 79, 491–525.
Jennings, P. A., Brown, J. L., Frank, J. L., Doyle, S., Oh, Y., Davis, R., . . .
Greenberg, M. T. (2017). Impacts of the CARE for teachers program
on teachers’ social and emotional competence and classroom interac-
tions. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Jensen, E., Bengaard Skibsted, E., & Vedsgaard Christensen, M. (2015).
Educating teachers focusing on the development of reflective and rela-
tional competences. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 14(3),
Jensen, H., Juul, J., Høeg, P., Bertelsen, J., Stubberup, M., & Hilbebrandt, S.
(2016). Empathy: It’s what holds the world together. Vienna, Austria:
Jimerson, S., Egeland, B., Sroufe, L. A. & Carlson, B. (2000). A prospective lon-
gitudinal study of high school dropouts examining multiple predictors
across development. Journal of School Psychology, 38(6), 525–549.
Jones, S. M., Bouffard, S. M., & Weissbourd, R. (2013). Educators’ social and
emotional skills vital to learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 94, 62–65.
Juul, J., & Jensen, H. (2010). Od poslušnosti do odgovornosti. [From obedience
to responsibility] Radovljica: Didakta.
Juul, J., & Jensen, H. (2011). Vzgojno delovanje v vrtcu in šoli [Upbringing ac-
tivity in kindergarten and school]. Šolsko svetovalno delo, 3–4, 61–74.
Ladd, G. W., Birch, S. H., & Buhs, E. S. (1999). Children’s social and scholastic
lives in kindergarten: Related spheres of influence? Child Development,
70, 1373–1400.
Laursen, P. F., & Nielsen, A. M. (2016). Teachers’ relational competencies: The
contribution from teacher education. Šolsko polje, 27(1-2), 139–161.
Lessard, A., Butler-Kisber, L., Fortin, L., Marcotte, D., Potvin, P., & Royer, É.
(2008). Shades of disengagement: High school dropouts speak out. Social
Psychology of Education, 11(1), 25–42.
Lessard, A., Fortin, L., Joly, J., Royer, É., & Blaya, C. (2004). Students at-risk
for dropping out of school: Are there gender differences among personal,
family and school factors? Journal of At-risk Issues, 10(2), 91–107.
Lessard, A., Poirier, M., & Fortin, L. (2010). Student-teacher relationship: A
protective factor against school dropout? Procedia Social and Behavioral
Sciences, 2(2), 1636–1643.