Page 34 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 34
ear ly school leaving: contempor ary european perspectives

policy framework in which policies against ESL are developed, implement-
ed and evaluated in the EU.

EU 2020: smart, sustainable, inclusive growth
ET 2020: quality and e ciency; equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; lifelong learning and mobility; creativity and innovation

Council Conclusions: comprehensive, cross-sectoral, evidence-based, prevention, intervention, compensation ESL polices

Working groups on Fixing guidelines
ESL/ school
education Mutual learning and OMC and ESL Establishing indicators By 2020, the
periodic monitoring 2020 and benchmarks share of early
Peer learning school leavers
activities from ET should
be less than
plans/reports 10%

ET Monitor Translating EU guidelines
into national policies
Country speci c
recommendations National targets
National reform programmes
Comprehensive national strategies

Figure 1. Tackling ESL up until 2020 within the OMC framework.


This article primarily originates from policy studies, which are recognised
as important meso-level theories for explaining Europeanisation and the
influence of soft law on member states. The article is qualitatively orient-
ed and draws on a review of theoretical and empirical evidence. To ad-
dress the article’s aims, we employ the following methods: (a) an analysis
of relevant literature and secondary sources. Here we conducted a literature
search of the scientific EBSCOhost and Web of Science online research da-
tabases. The main key words used in searching the relevant scientific liter-
ature were: early school leaving, open method of coordination, education,
EU, policy learning, benchmarking, monitoring. (b) An analysis of formal
documents and legal sources at the EU and national levels (EU official doc-
uments in the field of educational policy, unofficial documents, press re-
leases, an analysis of national policy documents (e.g. legislation, strategies,
reports) in TITA participating countries (France, Luxembourg, Spain and
Slovenia). Policy documents taken into account had to meet the following

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