Page 232 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 232
ear ly school leaving: contempor ary european perspectives

and teacher-student cooperation with student achievement. Our review
shows that when appropriately organised and targeted cooperation practic-
es in schools of both types between teachers and between teachers and stu-
dents may positively influence student outcomes. The main ILSA findings
from our search may be summarised in more complex professional collab-
oration between teachers, teacher-student relations and overall school cli-
mate being associated with an improvement in student achievement, even
when considering students’ different backgrounds. It may also be impor-
tant that teachers who collaborate more with their colleagues generally re-
port more positive teacher-student relations.

In conclusion, building a collaborative school culture is key to many
dimensions of school life including student outcomes. However, in his
analysis of the difficulties in building collaborative cultures in schools
Hargreaves (2004) warns that when collegiality is directed from above it
inhibits bottom-up professional initiative and results in teachers actual-
ly collaborating less or abandoning collaborative ways of working as soon
as the urgency of creating or implementing a school improvement plan is
over. Building a collaborative culture therefore needs to be a collaborative


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