Page 96 - Darko Štrajn, From Walter Benjamin to the End of Cinema: Identities, Illusion and Signification. Ljubljana: Educational Research Institute, 2017. Digital Library, Dissertationes, 29.
P. 96
from walter benjamin to the end of cinema

tistic acts of counter-identification. Working in a vast field of the possi-
ble production of singularities, which more or less address and express the
phenomena of micro levels of social life, especially the counter-identifica-
tion exposes or subverts the functioning of politics, which exists through
the distribution of modes of domination. Artistic gestures, acts, stunts, re-
flexive exposures, etc. of social realities (often containing a self-reflection of
their generative formula within a social space), which come to life through
the counter-identification, are also readable as at least an initiative or an ex-
igency for emancipatory counter-politics. This remains true also in the pe-
riod of postmodernism, when the “shock value” of modernist art seems ut-
terly exhausted, due to the acceptance of singular positions of artistic acts
and products in the public space. However, as art continues to “make state-
ments”, we may say that in the best case it takes part in a political context
within democracy or that it is in the worst case decentring perceptions of
“normality” for which politics strives in its dealings within power relations.

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