Page 73 - Darko Štrajn, From Walter Benjamin to the End of Cinema: Identities, Illusion and Signification. Ljubljana: Educational Research Institute, 2017. Digital Library, Dissertationes, 29.
P. 73
a distant view in michelle pfeiffer‘s smiling eyes

bonds, especially in the institution of family and in sexual practices. Now-
adays, the crisis of family is the phenomena of the post-traditional society
that antagonises politics and politicians much more than the “old” problem
of class differences. Curiously, the political labels remain the same: con-
servative, liberal, left, right, and so forth.

The question of identity, the articulation of which is especially contro-
versial in “new democracies”, antagonises political as well as cultural views.
Ethnic and religious determinations of a community are quite often used in
fights for power, which frequently bring these countries to the brink of vio-
lating human rights and dignity. In the post-traditional society that enjoys
the benefits of modernity and hesitates over representations of the past, the
question of how to walk the fine line between preservation of identity and
co-operation in the global setting remains quite a tricky question for every-
one concerned.

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