Page 95 - Štremfel, Urška, ed., 2016. Student (Under)achievement: Perspectives, Approaches, Challenges. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut. Digital Library, Documenta 11.
P. 95
le 7: Differences between printed and digital texts in PISA 2009

Paper-and-pencil text types Digital texts

Environment Static, linear texts where it is not pos- Two types of computer environment:
Text format sible for the reader to change the 1. Various types of websites (local,
Text type content. informative, educational), the read-
er is merely a recipient and does not
change the content;
2. Digital messages where the reader
can also independently change the

3. Hypertexts (texts that contain a
number of hyperlinks); the reader can
The main categories of text format are simultaneously access several texts
continuous and non-continuous, composed by different authors and
the reader has access to a single text appearing in different formats.
at a particular time. 4. Emphasized competencies of ac-
cessing and retrieving information,

classifying and selecting them.

Prevalent text types: Prevalent text types: 95
– argumentation, – argumentation,
– description, – description,
– exposition and – exposition and
– narration. – Transactional texts, such as e-mails
and text messages.

Table 8: Differences in required reading competencies in printed and
digital texts

Paper-and-pencil text types Digital texts

Access and retrieve Accessing and retrieving informa- Accessing and retrieving infor-
Integrate and interpret tion in a concrete, static space, in- mation in a more abstract space,
formation is presented in a cer- readers constructs their own se-
tain sequence. quences of information; the abil-
ities to access and retrieve, se-
lect and sort information are
more prominent than in print

Inferring the connection between
one part of the text and another
Forming a summary of the main
Identifying the distinction be- The same competencies are re-
tween principal and subordinate quired, the main difference lies in
information what needs to be integrated:
Comparing and contrasting – work with multiple texts at
information the same time, sometimes in
Understanding figurative different formats.

- The focus is on a single piece

of stimulus.

reading literacy and motivation in the context of social changes
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100