Page 86 - Štremfel, Urška, ed., 2016. Student (Under)achievement: Perspectives, Approaches, Challenges. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut. Digital Library, Documenta 11.
P. 86
le 4: The percentage of students successful in completing tasks at a
specific level of the access and retrieve information reading competency

Slovenia Level 1b Level 1a Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
(percentage 98.1 92.6 79.8 56.5 27.9 6.6 0.4
of students) 98.0 93.0 80.4 57.9 30.4 9.5 1.4
OECD average
of students)

At all levels of the access and retrieve information reading competency, Slo-
venian students reach the average (only at Level 1b) or are below the average
of OECD countries. The higher the level, the greater the variance. In PISA 2009,
Slovenian students were most successful in completing tasks at Levels 1b and
1a, where they were required to look for one or several explicit pieces of infor-
mation on the basis of either identically worded or synonymous information,
with no big or important distractors included in the text. At Level 2, students
86 are required to find a piece of information which is to meet several different
criteria, and in doing so must take into consideration similarly equivalent infor-
mation included in the text as distractors. Both in Slovenia and at the average
level of OECD countries, this level of the access and retrieve information read-
ing competency is achieved by 80% of students. The next level (Level 3), where
students are required to look for, and identify, several pieces of information si-
multaneously, with each meeting several criteria, combining them and consid-
ering any distractors, is achieved on average by a mere 56% of Slovenian stu-
dents and 58% of students from OECD countries.

Table 5: The percentage of students successful in completing tasks at a
specific level of the Integrate and interpret reading competency

Slovenia Level 1b Level 1a Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
(percentage 99.7 95.2 80.2 55.0 25.8 5.8 0.4
of students)
OECD average 98.9 94.3 80.7 56.6 28.4 8.3 1.1
of students)

When it comes to the Integrate and interpret reading competency, Sloveni-
an students are at all levels, likewise, below the average achievement of their
peers from OECD countries. A considerable drop in the performance percent-
age is again evident in the transition between Levels 2 and 3, while the lowest
percentage of students achieve the highest levels of this competency (Levels 5

student (under)achievement: perspectives, approaches, challenges
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91