Page 233 - Štremfel, Urška, ed., 2016. Student (Under)achievement: Perspectives, Approaches, Challenges. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut. Digital Library, Documenta 11.
P. 233
Naturally, the use of these approaches calls for teachers to take a leap in 233
their thought process, internalising the aforementioned principles. Design
thinking as a pedagogical approach does not call for a revolution in the edu-
cational system and is thus a welcome addition to the existing modes, which
include design classes and other organised forms of fostering entrepreneur-
ship at all levels of education. On the other hand it is an essential developmen-
tal step as a response and preparation for increasingly fast changes in the eco-
nomic, as well as social and natural environments that we are witnessing now
and will continue to do so in the coming years and decades.

Entrepreneurial Competency Aids in Improving Student

All participants can benefit from creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship
being integrated into lessons, because the aforementioned approach is not
centred upon individual school subjects. As far as the development of crea-
tivity and innovation is concerned, all areas of knowledge are important. This
fosters taking into account different interests, learning styles, skills etc. The de-
scribed approach is therefore a good basis for working with underachieving
students as well, it is in line with basic principles of additional support provid-
ed to students with learning difficulties. Of course, such an approach calls for a
new teaching paradigm and resolution of some other important issues related
to the development of the school curriculum. Mostly this concerns the teach-
er’s autonomy, flexible teaching approaches and the issue of adapting the cur-
riculum to local needs and cooperation of schools and teachers with the local
community. Some of the biggest obstacles to the development of creativity
and innovations are a crowded school schedule and teachers’ feelings of inner
constraints (Karkkainen, 2012). What is also important is the issue of integrating
the school curriculum with policies in other fields. In spite of everything that
has been said, actual adjustments to the curriculum and work in the classroom
nevertheless depend on each individual teacher. It is a fact that within the pre-
scribed curriculum every teacher is able to choose key aspects himself, adapt
the curriculum content and teaching approaches to the different needs of in-
dividual classes. Some key fundamental principles characteristic of the effi-
cient fostering of entrepreneurship in schools, and consequently also employ-
ability, will be pointed out and described below. The principles are suitable for
directing underachieving students. They enable the development of compe-
tencies on the basis of which young people gain in creative self-confidence
and concretise their role within society; providing their motivation is strength-
ened, this can also lead to improved learning achievement.

fostering student achievement on the development of enterpreneurship
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