Page 258 - Primož Krašovec in Igor Ž. Žagar, Evropa med socializmom in neoliberalizmom, Evropa v slovenskih medijih, Dissertationes 12
P. 258
Evropa med socializmom in neoliberalizmom
Fine, B., Financialisation, the Value of Labour Power, the Degree of Sepa-
ration, and Exploitation by Banking, v: Summer Seminar Series, 30.4.
2009. Http// (december 2010).
Fisher, M., Capitalist Realism, Zero Books, London 2009.
Foucault, M., Society Must be Defended, Penguin, London 2004.
Foucault, M., The Birth of Biopolitics, Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan
Foucault, M., Vednost – oblast – subject, Krt, Ljubljana 1991.
Foucault, M., Zgodovina seksualnosti, ŠKUC, Ljubljana 2010.
Frank, A. G., The Development of Underdevelopment, v: Monthly Review
18 (1966). Http//
ai_7659725 (december 2010).
Friedman, G. »Has European Economic Integration Failed? v: B. H.
Moss (ur.), Monetary Union in Crisis, Palgrave MacMillan, Basingsto-
ke 2005, 173–197.
Friedman, M., Capitalism and Freedom, Chicago University Press, Chica-
go 1982.
Gorz, A., Zbogom proletarijatu, Ranička štampa, Beograd 1982.
Gowan, P., Neo-Liberal Theory and Practice for Eastern Europe, v New
Left Review 213 (1995), 3–60.
Gramsci, A., Amerikanizem in fordizem, v: Izbrana dela, Cankarjeva za-
ložba, Ljubljana 1974, 299–344.
Harvey, D., A Brief History of Neoliberalism, Oxford University Press, Ox-
ford 2005.
Harvey, D., The New Imperialism, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2003.
Henninger, M., Doing the Math: Reflections on the Alleged Obsolescen-
ce of the Law of Value under Post-Fordism, v: Ephemera 71 (2007),
Hobsbawm, E. J., Zanimivi časi, Sophia, Ljubljana 2004.
Holmstrom, N. in R. Smith, The Neccessity of Gangster Capitalism Pri-
mitive Accumulation in Russia and China, Monthly Review 2000.
Http// (december 2010).
Hull, R., The Great Lie: Markets, Freedom and Knowledge, v: G. Neunhö-
fer, D. Phlehwe in B. Walpen (ur.), Neoliberal Hegemony: A Global Cri-
tique, Routledge, London in New York 2006, 141–156.
Fine, B., Financialisation, the Value of Labour Power, the Degree of Sepa-
ration, and Exploitation by Banking, v: Summer Seminar Series, 30.4.
2009. Http// (december 2010).
Fisher, M., Capitalist Realism, Zero Books, London 2009.
Foucault, M., Society Must be Defended, Penguin, London 2004.
Foucault, M., The Birth of Biopolitics, Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan
Foucault, M., Vednost – oblast – subject, Krt, Ljubljana 1991.
Foucault, M., Zgodovina seksualnosti, ŠKUC, Ljubljana 2010.
Frank, A. G., The Development of Underdevelopment, v: Monthly Review
18 (1966). Http//
ai_7659725 (december 2010).
Friedman, G. »Has European Economic Integration Failed? v: B. H.
Moss (ur.), Monetary Union in Crisis, Palgrave MacMillan, Basingsto-
ke 2005, 173–197.
Friedman, M., Capitalism and Freedom, Chicago University Press, Chica-
go 1982.
Gorz, A., Zbogom proletarijatu, Ranička štampa, Beograd 1982.
Gowan, P., Neo-Liberal Theory and Practice for Eastern Europe, v New
Left Review 213 (1995), 3–60.
Gramsci, A., Amerikanizem in fordizem, v: Izbrana dela, Cankarjeva za-
ložba, Ljubljana 1974, 299–344.
Harvey, D., A Brief History of Neoliberalism, Oxford University Press, Ox-
ford 2005.
Harvey, D., The New Imperialism, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2003.
Henninger, M., Doing the Math: Reflections on the Alleged Obsolescen-
ce of the Law of Value under Post-Fordism, v: Ephemera 71 (2007),
Hobsbawm, E. J., Zanimivi časi, Sophia, Ljubljana 2004.
Holmstrom, N. in R. Smith, The Neccessity of Gangster Capitalism Pri-
mitive Accumulation in Russia and China, Monthly Review 2000.
Http// (december 2010).
Hull, R., The Great Lie: Markets, Freedom and Knowledge, v: G. Neunhö-
fer, D. Phlehwe in B. Walpen (ur.), Neoliberal Hegemony: A Global Cri-
tique, Routledge, London in New York 2006, 141–156.