Page 91 - Žagar, Igor Ž. 2021. Four Critical Essays on Argumentation. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 91
is there anything like visual argumentation?

if, when consulting encyclopaedias or other relevant sources, we don’t just
check the photos, but the text as well, we find the following description of
breadfruit (please, pay special attention to emphases in italics):

Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) is one of the highest-yielding food
plants, with a single tree producing up to 200 or more fruits per
season. In the South Pacific, the trees yield 50 to 150 fruits per year.
In southern India, normal production is 150 to 200 fruits annually.
Productivity varies between wet and dry areas. In the Caribbean,
a conservative estimate is 25 fruits per tree. Studies in Barbados
indicate a reasonable potential of 6.7 to 13.4 tons per acre (16-32


Breadfruit, an equatorial lowland species, grows best below eleva-
tions of 650 metres (2,130 ft), but is found at elevations of 1,550 me-
tres (5,090 ft). Its preferred rainfall is 1,500-3,000 millimetres (59-
118 in) per year.


Breadfruit is a staple food in many tropical regions. The trees were
propagated far outside their native range by Polynesian voyagers
who transported root cuttings and air-layered plants over long
ocean distances. (From Wikipedia:

If we sum up, breadfruit is a tropical plant, usually found (and used) in
tropical areas. It is, therefore, not very probable to find it in Ontario, in the
Detroit River, though it is not completely impossible, of course, that a spec-
imen of a breadfruit found its way into the Detroit River from one of the lo-
cal Caribbean restaurants or stores.

But if relevant sources were indeed amply consulted (i.e. browsed
through), and the point of departure in investigating the nature of the
found fruit was not based on some kind of preconceived idea or a hunch
that the Detroit River fruit looked very much like breadfruit, a neutral, ob-
jective and interested investigator should have easily found the following
photos as well:

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