Page 72 - Žagar, Igor Ž. 2021. Four Critical Essays on Argumentation. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 72
four critical essays on argumentation

The counter-argument came up in the discussion. A colleague in the
audience understood the square ball with the ‘China’ inscription on it as
a metaphor of corruption in the PRC. Another colleague understood it as
a metaphor of a hybrid socio-political system: turbo-capitalism under the
leadership of the Central Committee of the CPC.

To sum up, the discussion showed very clearly that the argument was
not evident from the drawing itself, otherwise so different interpretations
could not have been possible. But, if the drawing would have been framed
appropriately (so that we were able to see where in the paper the draw-
ing was published, in which section, or what were the neighbouring arti-
cles), such an appropriate and sufficient framing would disambiguate the

Here is another example of insufficient framing:

Figure 2. Notre-Dame Gargoyles I.

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