Page 108 - Žagar, Igor Ž. 2021. Four Critical Essays on Argumentation. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 108
four critical essays on argumentation

In the case of David’s Marat:
The painting below was created in 1793 by Jacques-Louis David, and

bears the title La Mort de Marat (Marat’s Death). Please, take a good look at
it, and then answer the two questions below.

Question 1: What do you see on the painting (how would you describe
the ‘content’ or ‘what is going on’ in the poster in the most correct and ob-
jective way)?

Question 2: Does the painting remind you of anything or recall any
historical (or other) reminiscences? If yes, please explain which one(s), and

This questionnaire was distributed/administered to three different
age groups, with different educational background, all European, with
Slovenian citizenship. I planned a fourth one, a group of refugees living
in Slovenia (mostly from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, some of them from
North Africa), but the refugee coordinator refused to participate because of
ethical reasons. The survey took place between 29th May and 8th June 2017.

Here are some of the characteristics of these groups:
Group 1: STUDENTS (number: 26; age: 20–24; sex: 25 female, 1
male; education: completed high school, currently 2nd year students of
Educational Studies at the University of Primorska, Slovenia).
Group 2: RESEARCHERS (number: 7/30;3 age: 28–68; sex: 6 female,
1 male; education: PhD in Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Education
Sciences, two PhD candidates, all working at the Educational Research
Institute, Slovenia).
Group 3: SENIORS (number: 3/12; age: 69–86; sex: 2 female, 1 male; ed-
ucation: high school to university education, all attendants of the University
of the Third Age, Slovenia).
Obviously, from the methodological point of view and strictly statisti-
cally speaking, samples vary too much and cannot be compared in an or-
derly quantitative fashion. But at this point, I was interested in qualitative
data, and as a pilot study, even such disparate groups are acceptable.
What follows are the findings of our survey.

3 For different reasons, in group 2 only 7 questionnaires out of 30 that were distributed
were returned, and only 3 out of 12 in group 3.

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