
What Do We Know about the World? Rhetorical and Argumentative Perspectives.

Urednik(i): Gabrijela Kišiček, Igor Ž. Žagar

Vrsta gradiva: znanstvena monografija

Leto izdaje: 2013

Obseg: 420 strani

ISBN-13 (PDF): 978-961-270-171-0

ISBN-13 (HTML): 978-961-270-170-3

Povezava: PDF HTML

Način citiranja:

Kišiček, G., Žagar Ž., I. (eds.) (2013). What Do We Know about the World? Rhetorical and Argumentative Perspectives. Ljubljana: Educational Research Institute.
Kišiček, Gabrijela, Igor Žagar Žnidaršič, eds. What Do We Know about the World? Rhetorical and Argumentative Perspectives. Ljubljana: Educational Research Institute, 2013.

What Do We Know about the World? Rhetorical and Argumentative Perspectives is a selection of peer reviewed papers presented at the “First International Conference on Rhetoric in Croatia: the Days of Ivo Škarić”. The Conference was organized with the intent of paying respect to the Croatian rhetorician and professor emeritus Ivo Škarić who was the first to introduce rhetoric at the Department of Phonetics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb.
The papers presented at the conference are distributed into five chapters: Theoretical Perspectives discussing argumentation theory, relations between philosophy and rhetoric, and visual argumentation; Political Discourse presents papers interested in rhetorical strategies and argumentation analysis in various types of pubic discourse, i.e. parliamentary debates, persuasion in political speeches etc; The Media chapter presents papers containing rhetorical analyses of the media discourse, especially those interested in figures of speech and the New Media; the Legal Discoursediscusses argumentation and rhetorical strategies in legal discourse; while Educationpresents a chapter involved in the importance of the rhetoric in education system, i.e. implementation of debate in education, writings of the argumentative genre, etc.
This book was initially intended as a joint publication of Digital Library (Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia) and Windsor Studies in Argumentation (University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada). At that time, in April 2012, Educational Research Institute’s Digital Library has published 28 e-books (available at, while Windsor Studies in Argumentation only existed in the form of a name. It soon became evident that we have very different ideas about how the book should look like; therefore, we (Digital Library) decided to produce our own version of the book (which is available in several formats: CD, pdf, html, html5), while Windsor Studies in Argumentation (WSIA) produced their own version.

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