Call for papers – Šolsko polje, 2019, No. 5/6: IEA ICCS 2016 and challenges of citizenship educating of youth

When it comes to civic and citizenship education, we need to bear in mind that (civic) knowledge, as well as attitudes towards different civic and social issues and engaging in social life should be taken into account. This along the lines the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) conducted by the IEA is conceptualized. In 2016 Slovenia together with other 23 educational systems or benchmarks participants participated in the third cycle of data collection in this thematic area. Long before the third cycle Slovenia participated in the CivEd 1999, and the ICCS 2009. The assessment framework of the ICCS 2016 was indeed somewhat complementary compared to the previous cycles, although the instruments included more items on the use of social media, migration topics, and, for the first time for Slovenia, the topic of religions. However, comparisons are still possible, mostly between ICCS 2009 and 2016.

In CivED 1999, the study results for Slovenia showed several critical points which were not so much connected with civic knowledge, but mostly with some attitudes (e.g. towards migrants, trust in civic institutions related with authority). In 2009 those attitudes changed, becoming more positive. The results from ICCS 2016 for Slovenia showed higher civic achievement compared to previous cycles, although some results are (still) of a great interest and need to be further investigated and interpreted, e.g. gender gaps in civic knowledge, engagement which are relatively low for our students , negative trends in the trust in government, etc. Therefore, the first thematic section in the thematic issues of the journal will be on trend analysis. We expect articles that will investigate those trends more in depth for Slovenia as well as other countries where several countries can be taken into consideration, as well as articles that are analysing trends for just one country.

The second thematic section will be devoted to theoretical articles that relate to topics on civic and citizenship education of youth.

We are inviting authors who will address the challenges of educating young people in the context of secondary analysis of ICCS 2016 data and trend analysis and/or in the context of theoretical concepts and critical debates from the wider field of civic and citizenship education. Contributions to address these challenges in the broader European context are welcomed, whether they be internationally comparable or specific to the example of Slovenia and/or other European countries.

Article submission timeline:

15 May 2019: submission of paper title and abstract [app. 300 words]

31 August 2019: paper submission [max. 8.000 words]

December 2019: publication of the thematic issue.

Abstract and articles should be submitted to guest editors via e-mail: eva.klemencic@pei.sior
